Els treballs del projecte EUROTRA a l'Estat espanyol

Antoni Badia i Cardús


The numerous problems arisen by the translation of all the documents in all the official languages within the European Economic Community (budget, staff) led to create the EUROTRA project, a project of research and development within the range of the automatic translation. The basic aims of this project are, firstly, to create a system of automatic translation and, in the second place, to encourage the research in the aspects related to the processing of natural language in Europe. One of the main organization characteristics of the project is its decentralization. Every state member has a linguistic group that, in most cases, works on its own language with a high degree of autonomy. There are also organizations of coordination and control which take charge of giving cohesion to the project. In the first place, the 'Connection Group, with representatives from the Commission and from the linguistic groups, that controls the technical and administrative aspects of the project. The Commission carries out the tasks related to management and administration. The Special Research Groups take charge of the technical help needed by the linguistic groups. Finally, the Consultative 'Committee offers a technical support to the tasks of the Commission, and the Supervision Committee controls the progress of the project. In Spain, the linguistic group is divided between Barcelona and Madrid. In Barcelona, there is the central group that coordinates and works on syntax, semantics, and bilingual dictionaries. In Madrid, they are responsible for morphology and lexicon.

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