El model lingüístic dels partits polítics catalans en la redacció de l'Estatut d'Autonomia de 1979

Jordi Matas Dalmases


In this article, the author describes the position of the Catalan political forces throughout the different phases of the writing of article 3 of the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia in 1979 that refers to the legal system regulating the use of the different languages spoken in Catalonia. To this end, he uses as a basis the documents that the different parties submitted to the «Comission of Twenty», the final draft, and the debates that took place before a joint amendment, based on a general consensus, and was adopted as the definitive text.  In these documents and discussions the issue of what had to be considered the autochthonous and official language of Catalonia was debated, as well as the obligation to know Catalan, and the issue of the equality of Catalan and Castilian.  The Aranese language was also brought under consideration.  After a detailed analysis of the different  versions of article no. 3 submitted  by the various political parties  and of the disagreements among  them, the author concludes that  neither the parties nor the Catalan  coalitions had a clear linguistic  model, and that they all took as a  point of departure, to different  degrees, the Statute of Autonomy  of 1932 without giving serious consideration  to what the model they  proposed entailed. Only when article no. 3 began to be discussed was some thoughtful examination undertaken.  However, in spite of the lack of a clear model, the author states that the definitive writing of article no. 3 of the Statute responds to a linguistic model defended by leftist parties during its making, without forgetting the support offered by all other political factions. 

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