Aproximació a la història social de la codificació de l'eslovè

Jordi Bañeres Barril


The ideological principles affect the normative criteria of every language. Besides philological criteria, several factors have an influence on the elaboration of codifying proposals: economic, national, cultural, literary, and personal factors. From the fourteenth century, the Sloven normative process has gone past different stages. The Reformation historical period and the efforts of the Protestan to make themselves understood became a central binding reference for all further codifying attempts. Nevertheless, the fact that most of the writers of that period were from Low Carnolia created obstacles to creating a unified normative for all Slovene languages. This option became ratified when Catholic J. Kopitar assumed, in his famous grammar in 1809, the Protestant grammatical inheritance. The second stage of the Slovene normative process culminated in the final assumption of an alphabet at the beginning of the nineteenth century. The third stage of this process took place during the second half of the nineteenth century, when the literary language began to take into consideration the Estinian and Pannonian resorts by means of the Pannonican Theory. The fourth stage started with the change of the political circumstances: the integration into Yugoslavia in 1918. During the last 60 years, the normativity has set aside literary language and it has emphasized the standardization of Slovene in press, radio and television.

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