La dinamització lingüística a la Universitat de Barcelona

David Casals i Andreu


Viewed within the sphere of Catalan-speaking territories as a way of bringing about strictly linguistic change and as a phase in language planning, the purpose of language energizing is to bring the proposals of linguistic normalization to the attention of all concerned individuals through a series of structured Information conduits. After having established the differences between the concepts of linguistic planning and language energizing, the author specifies the different points to be considered in the development of an energizing plan, and details the process of creating the organizational structure —an energizing network— composed of different interrelated levels with certain freedom of action, with representatives of the concerned groups, and with common priorities and objectives. In 1991, the University of Barcelona's Catalan Language Service's sociolinguistic and energizing section began operation. The author recounts how this university created a Language Energizing Plan, and explains the organizational structure of the energizing network, the hubs in the network —normalization commissions— in the different centres, the coordination among commissions, as well as their objectives and responsibilities, and the establishment of the first hubs in this energizing network. Subcommittees have been established which study and draw up proposals on strategies and measures to normalize different aspects of the University of Barcelona, such as teaching, publications, and dissemination of university activities in the press. The subcommittees have been created as part of the University of Barcelona's Language Energizing Plan, which aims to systemize those measures aimed at stimulating the use of Catalan in all its professional spheres.

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